Thursday, December 17, 2009


hello peps..

not sure whether this news is useful or not..

I called KPM today to find out what happened to our posting. but i didn't ask about penempatan. i just asked about tarikh lapor diri. the person in charge said that the results are not out YET. i even begged her telling that i need the tarikh a.s.a.p for my medical reasons but she said that bahagian penempatan hasn't finalize the things yet. and she also mentioned one thing - tarikh lapor diri can either be before or AFTER the school session start..but for now the posting result mmg xde lg. we need to waitttttttttt n wait n waittttttt

tu je la actually..hehe..not sure whether it helps :)

btw, i heard that 16 people got posted to Kelantan..but not sure whether from our course or overall.. :)



Warid Mihat said...

16 is a promising number... i hope most of it are the English teachers from IPBA aka our cohort...

Anonymous said...

bese la...

Wooi Leong Tan said...

Typical - doesn't surprise me.

P/S - Thanks Waznah or whoever it is who puts up new posts here to keep us updated. Hightly appreciated :)